Insignia Cloths From San Pedro Sacatepequez
by Raymond E. Senuk Let me begin by describing the two textiles before you. Each is made up of a single panel with all selvages finished on a...
Inspired by Guatemalan Textiles
Artists rise to the occasion. by Luciana Jabur We have long been keen to share the beauty of Guatemalan textiles with a younger audience as well as...
A Tale of Two Threads
Our target textile for this article is a ceremonial servilleta or tzute from San Juan Alotenango, a good-sized community just southwest of Antigua....
Displaying Textiles In The Home
It is a great joy to collect huipils and other woven textiles, and a delight to showcase these treasures within the home as a method of keeping...
A Todos Santos Tale
All collectors want their textiles to have a tale. Guatemalan textiles are mostly anonymous. They are bought in local markets or shops and any tale...

Renovated Sala IV Amazes
Even museum galleries need a facelift. New technologies, recent research, trends in fashion and public interest – all come together to set the table...
Glosario Indumentaria Maya de Guatemala
Do you know a servilleta from a tzute? A cinta from a faja? Did you realize that a ceremonial huipil is usually more plain than an everyday one?...
The Last Year Murex Was Used In San Pedro Sacatepéquez
by Raymond Senuk In the June 2020 Newsletter, I wrote about early dyes used in Guatemala. I would like to expand on one of the dyes – murex. If you...
Textile Care in Place
by Amy DiPlacido It’s November, which means it’s been eight months since Shelter in Place began due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. You most likely...
It Is All About Threads and Dyestuffs
by Raymond Senuk June 2020 I have chosen a Cofradia mantel from Quetzaltenango as the subject textile to talk about dyestuffs. Why dyestuffs? Their...