Todos Santos Huehuetenango

Historical & classic huipil of three woven panels on backstrap looms with red and white long stripes.

A striking pleated collar made of commercial fabric with blue and red ribbons and forming rosettes in zigzags is added to the collar. In more contemporary huipilies different features is seen here – instead of the ruffled collar, the design that forms part of the collar area, modern huipil canvases are woven in. On the chest & shoulders it has brocades woven with cotton and acrylic threads. These figures of supplementary wefts continuous and discontinuous are geometric shapes, humans and flowers. In addition to the roll cut and the sash, many women of Todos Santos Huehuetenango wear hats that are part of their traditional attire.

The ceremonial attire of this community is the same as that of every day use. On certain occasions, the daily attire is only distinguished by the fact that it includes a shawl woven on a foot loom.

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